Flexible tool for companies of all sizes - especially designed for SMEs

CO2 Calculator – Collect data and calculate climate impact

Flexible boundary setting

Setting the boundaries for your carbon footprint calculation is crucial. Our tool provides automatic suggestions for boundary setting based on your specific activities. It takes into account the GHG Protocol scopes and value chain, giving you a clear understanding of what is included in your calculation boundary.

Consumption data management

Once your boundaries are set, it's time to collect consumption data. Our tool establishes a structured data collection process and forms based on your boundaries. It highlights missing data and provides a comprehensive overview of your carbon footprint calculation. You can collect data monthly or yearly, ensuring accurate and up-to-date results.

Reliable emission factor library

Our tool offers default emission factors for your consumption figures, and you can also enter your own emission factors. Additionally, you will have access to our extensive emission factor library, ensuring reliable and accurate calculations. Once your consumption data is filled and emission factors are locked, you can calculate your results effortlessly. The tool also provides key performance indicators (KPIs), such as carbon footprint per customer or carbon footprint per revenue, giving you valuable insights.

Roadmap – Set targets and form your own action plan

Target setting

The roadmap tool begins with setting your overall emission reduction target, such as a 75% reduction by 2030. You can then establish more specific themes and targets for your roadmap, aligning with your climate goals. In addition to emission reductions, you can set KPIs to track progress effectively.

Action planning

With targets in place, it's time to plan your actions. Our roadmap tool offers tailored suggestions for actions and grants you access to our comprehensive climate action database, which includes over 150 science based actions to minimize your carbon footprint or increase your positive impacts. Define various settings and values for each action, such as impact type, timeline, responsible person, budget, and status. Set reminders to stay on track and easily monitor the execution of your roadmap.

Reporting – Follow results, report and share

Sharing your progress

Effective communication and reporting are essential for climate work. Our reporting tool simplifies the process by allowing you to track your carbon footprint and roadmap development based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol scopes and categories. Share your progress internally and externally with ease.

Visual infographics and documents

Our reporting tool provides visual infographics that vividly represent your climate work. Generate picture diagrams, slides, and sheets to share comprehensive reports and visually engage your stakeholders.

Long-term adaptability

While our tool is designed primarily for SMEs, it intuitively scales with your business. As your organization expands, our solution will continue to meet your evolving needs.

Please note that the selection of features and their settings may vary based on your license agreement.

Ready to embark on your climate leadership journey? Join our piloting program and transform your organization's impact today!

By joining our piloting program, you will have the opportunity to be among the first to experience our software and help shape its development. As pioneers in the program, you'll also enjoy a special discount and a free trial period to explore the potential of CO2 Roadmap.

Please note that while CO2 Roadmap's core features are fully functional, some features may still be in the development phase during the piloting program. However, your participation will provide you with a firsthand opportunity to contribute to CO2 Roadmap's continuous development.

Book a free demo with one of our sustainability experts to learn more about how CO2 Roadmap can transform your organization's sustainability efforts. Schedule your session here:

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